Electronic Turnaround Optimization Platform – eTOP

Presented By

Stefan Krebich - OMV Refining & Marketing GmbH

Rene Leitner - OMV Refining & Marketing GmbH

Conference: Valencia 2018

Turnaround Raffinerie Schwechat 2016/2017

When we imagine a workforce of 3.000 skilled workers, operating thousands of precisely planned tasks, moving tons of advanced materials and components, steered by long tested and qualitative paper-based lists, we have to face the truth that these paper-based lists have reached their end of life. So many qualified solutions on the market promise simplified controlling tools in execution phases for Project Managers, but no solution keeps an eye on the simplicity of communication in-between foremen and skilled worker for their sequential work steps. Challenged by using standard tools, existing processes, low budgets and the risk not to convince people for trying new technologies in an unpleasant and demanding phase of Turnarounds, we found a way to use SAP Standard Tools combined with technologies like HTML & iOS to communicate and run Turnarounds in a modern way to cover contemporary needs.

Let’s share the experiences of investigating and implementing an electronic Turnaround Optimization Platform by using SAP Standard Tools, how to document Asset Integrity relevant data by using Tablets and how a simple charging plug can simulate a total breakdown of your new technologies.

Stefan Krebich - OMVStefan Krebich is the Group Expert for Turnaround Management and has been with OMV Refining & Marketing GmbH for 14 years. In addition to his study of mechanical engineering management, he also has additional knowledge in SAP Business Process Management. In addition to Turnaround Management, he harmonizes and digitalizes Asset Management Processes within all OMV refineries.

Rene Leitner - OMVRene Leitner is the Turnaround Manager at OMV Refineries in the Downstream Division. He studied process engineering and takes an interest in refining processes and digitalization.


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