At RefComm Galveston 2023, Neal Cammy of BLAC INC gave an in-depth overview of the CSB report that emerged from the Husky Superior FCC Explosion, which was published in December 2022. Even though this report was made public, our industry tends to shy away from talking about incidents like these at conferences. This very public report provided a good basis for discussion and the CSB made very specific recommendations to our industry that Neal felt important to highlight.
In his presentation, Neal covers the incident timeline and not cover the emergency response issues.

Neal Cammy is currently Manager of the Engineering Department at BLAC INC., a manufacturer of high performance electro-hydraulic actuator systems for Coker, FCC and other applications. Prior to joining BLAC INC. in 2011 as a Project Manager, Neal spent 31 years with UOP, a major licensor of FCC technology. Neal has a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from the New York University Polytechnic School of Engineering.
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