Double Whammy at RefComm: Two Keynote Talks by Leaders in Refining & Chemical Safety

Staffing changes as a result of the Pandemic resulted in the loss of decades of legacy knowledge across the operating plant. Operations and maintenance staff are no longer present to offer guidance. At the same time the refinery margins are at an all time high as is the desire to be as safe as possible, pushing on stream operation on both rates and in-service time. Now more than ever it is necessary and important to review procedures, operator training, and maintenance programs…
The Coker Safety Group: An Industry Forum for DCU Safety

The primary focus of the Coker Safety Group (CSG) is to provide a technical forum to help ensure that individual delayed coking units are operating in the safest manner possible. Founded in 2019, this group meets face-to-face each year in a highly confidential, closed-door setting, usually on the last day of RefComm Galveston. The group focuses on issues like plant safety, risk assessments, process monitoring, startup and shutdown guidelines and safety systems.
ECHO as a Zero-Emissions Process in DCUs
Watch the replay of this webinar presented by Art Envi Services which covers an intro to Environmental Coke Handling Operation (ECHO), challenges with traditional methods, equipment, safety aspects, revamps, and the economics. Simply click the link below, enter your contact information, and enjoy the presentation!
The Importance of Surveillance Rounds
There are millions of dollars worth of equipment out there running in the unit. Our jobs have gotten more administrative as time has gone on, but really the operators are there to monitor the hundreds of pumps, fans and instrumentation that are running continuously, as well as all the other things that could go wrong in the unit, including…