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RefComm Wrap Up 2024

RefComm Galveston 2024 concluded earlier this month smashing all previous records in nearly all categories.

We had a whopping 700 registered attendees hailing from 25 countries, 100 exhibitors, 86 training students, 220 refiners, and 43 technical presentations.

Be sure to save the date for next year’s event: April 28 – May 2, 2025.

Stay in the know all the time! Sign up for our monthly e-newsletter below.

Please peruse and download the conference pics, feel free to post them and be sure to tag us, @REFCOMM OR #REFCOMM.

Please consider joining us this fall in Barcelona as we make our way back to Spain once again! This time around our event will focus on delayed coking and will be co-located with the Sulphur + Sulphuric Acid Conference. That’s one price for access to two events!

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Posted by: lindsay

Refining Community