Claudio Hormazabal - ENAP
Jose del Buey - Velan
In October 2019, the inlet transfer line isolation valve (SP-6A) at ENAP Refinery in Chile does not open during drum switch operation. The operations team bypassed the unit in order to inspect the valve and the actuator. A break in the worm gear of the gearbox is discovered and is replaced but still, it was not possible to open the valve electrically or manually. In this presentation, we will share the steps taken to bring the valve back to operations. Also, Velan will present the guidelines to prevent this type of incident.
Claudio Hormazábal is a Coker/Alky Plant Manager , with 20 years of experience as a Chemical Engineer. He spent 15 years of his career with ENAP. Working in ENAP he joined in 2006 to the Coker Complex Project where he participated as Project Engineer and later to be appointed as leader of the Operations team to training, commissioned and start-up the CoKing unit. He Holds a B.S Chemical Engineering, MBA from Adolfo Ibañez University and a Coaching certification.