Andrew Shaw - Tracerco Ltd.
Tracerco offers unique online and non-intrusive measurement and diagnostic technologies to assist operators with modification and optimization projects, enabling maximized production efficiency with minimum cost impact. In this paper, the use of radioisotope technology for accurate online process studies and inspections will be introduced, and examples of how the technology has been utilized as a troubleshooting tool will be discussed. In particular, examples of how the technology was used to verify process models, optimize production, and minimize and/or prepare for planned shutdowns will be presented.
Andrew has over 18 years’ experience working for Tracerco as a process diagnostics engineer, project manager and more recently in business development. He has worked on troubleshooting FCCU process issues all over the world and worked for major companies such as BP, Shell, ConocoPhillips and Equinor. His main area of expertise is in the field of process diagnostics using radioisotope technology.