Mel Larson - KBC Advanced Technologies
Joni Lipkowitz - KBC Advanced Technologies
The advent of shale oil or LTO into the refining industry has dramatically affected refinery operations. The FCC, in particular, is one unit that has been impacted with substantial feed quality changes, resulting in operating severity adjustments for desired product quality specifications while meeting environmental emission standards.
While post WWII baby boomers are retiring, taking with them a wealth of knowledge and experience in unit operations, engineering, design and control systems, FCC engineers of today can hone their skills and knowledge by utilizing methodologies and analytical tools to improve unit performance and identify potential unit enhancements.
KBC will present troubleshooting experiences that utilize methods and practices proven to be efficient and effective in day to-day-operations. The use of Petro-SIM as a simulation tool will be highlighted based on world wide experience in monitoring unit operations, as well as optimizing and sustaining unit performance. KBC will be available to demonstrate PetroSim for interested attendees.