Miklos Gal - MOL PLC.
Delayed Coker Unit in MOL Danube Refinery has been commissioned in 2001 to process about ~1M tons of vacuum distillation residuals and to re-structure product portfolio. Coke drums had been equipped with nuclear level switches that were only able to detect the presence of the material. After operation of one and a half decade replacement of existing solutions has become necessary as installed instruments became obsolete. MOL had to find a solution that satisfies technological and licensor requirements and complies with all related regulations and standards. Optimized maintenance and adequate reliability have been still a must. Since continuous level gauging has advantages like supervision of coking process phases or foam and coke amount measurement MOL decided not only to replace but to upgrade. Our presentation discusses the detailed requirements of measurement task, the installed solution based on point sources and ROD scintillation detectors and installation-operational experiences. This solution seems to become an industry standard.