Mitchell Moloney - ExxonMobil
The intent of this breakout is to discuss risks associated with Coke Drum Unheading and Reheading Operations. The discussion will focus on how the various designs address the safety risks (or not) for operations and maintenance technicians, and what risks they may introduce themselves.
On the bottom, slide valves are a great improvement over manually bolted unheading cart operations. They also are a step up from the Fluor and Hahn&Clay Swing Back Bottom Heads, and the H&C Automatic-Remote Bolt Operations.
On the top, slide valves eliminate ergonomic and safety risks associated with manual top head bolt operations. They are also have advantages over hydraulically powered swing-back top heads with manual bolts. However, cost for the slide valves can be a high hurdle for some sites, which can drive alternate approaches that utilize or enhance the older technologies already in place.
Discussion will also cover the topic of slide valve barrier steam and how it plays into loss of containment risk for slide valves.