Author Archive
eREFCOMM – DCU Process Breakout – The Operator’s Guide to Successful Troubleshooting
- August 6th, 2020
Combating the Negative Effects of Iron in the FCCU at Philadelphia Energy Solutions
- August 6th, 2020
Proactive Maintenance/Design Practices for Coker Valves
- July 30th, 2020
Solvent Deasphalting: Why is there so much buzz?
- June 27th, 2020
How Effective are Operator Rounds at Your Site?
- June 26th, 2020
Octane destruction in FCC gasoline posttreaters
- June 26th, 2020
Managing Coke Drum Foam with Chemicals
- June 24th, 2020
Should You Worry about CUI on the Coke Drum Structure?
- June 23rd, 2020
Back to the Future: Lift Plug Valves Making a Come Back
- June 8th, 2020
Coke Drum Level after the Demise of Neutron Backscatter (aka K-ray)
- May 12th, 2020