Facilitator: Mike Murphy – Industry Manager, Coking, ValvTechnologies
Topics to be discussed:
- Actuator sizing
- Installation and piping practices
- Purge steam system
- Valve health monitoring
- Proactive maintenance with MOV assembly and valve
- Robust components for changing torque requirements
- Dual redundant valve position feedback
Biography: Mike Murphy
- ValvTechnologies Coking Industry Manager
- Schooling: Manufacturing/Mechanical Design Engineering :University of Houston Texas
- Work Experience: Rotating equipment maintenance process industry ,worked in Engineering Design and Construction business, Industrial technical Sales to Refining, Power and Chemical Industries
- Responsibilities are managing coking industry products for ValveTechnologies
Zero-leakage Valves: ValvTechnologies is the leading manufacturer of zero-leakage, severe service isolation valve solutions. Employing more than 500 people worldwide, our offices are located in the UK, Europe, China, Middle East, India, Australia, and South America.