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Cleaning and Testing in Metallic Filtration Applications

Presented By

Sue Reynolds - Carolina Filters Inc.


The presentation describes results of the collaboration of Refiner, Filter Manufacturer, and Cleaning Vendor to resolve process issues and reduce operating and equipment purchase costs. A Physical/Chemical Cleaning process was developed that allowed for chemical conversions of contaminants to soluble forms and a mechanical process that forced movement of residuals out of the media.  To determine integrity and the degree of contaminant removal, special pressure testing methods were performed that provided the end-user with measurable metrics related to integrity and % Recovery of filter media in comparison to new media.

Sue has worked with Carolina Filters for 25+ years. During that time, she has worked in all aspects of the cleaning and testing operation with major duties involving process development, procedures, and working with customers in Technical Sales. Focus has always been on finding innovative cleaning and testing methods that improve the process for metal filters, as well as, a variety of parts.

She has BA in Chemistry from Winthrop University and a Masters in Mathematics from the University of South Carolina. She has published several papers with the American Filtration &Separations Society that cover various aspects of cleaning & testing. In her spare time, she loves to scuba dive with husband and friends.

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